Privacy Policy


Your personal data will be processed on our website by Firma. The contact details of Firma can be found at Imprint.

You may contact our data protection officer at Chargeable address, email address, telephone.

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and process your personal data in accordance with the legal data protection provisions and this Data Privacy Statement. You may normally use our website without disclosing personal data. To the extent that personal data (such as name, address or email addresses) are collected on our website, this is always voluntary, if possible.

We process your personal data with the assistance of processors that assist us in connection with providing the services (e.g. web hoster, electronic newsletters). These processors are obliged to strictly protect your personal data and may process your personal data for no purpose other than the provision of our services. Your personal data are transferred only to typical commercial service providers such as banks (money is transferred you), tax advisors (you are entered in our accounting system), mail handling service providers (mail is sent to you), etc.

Contact form (consent without checkbox) Fields: Name, address, email, other form fields No special data categories / criminal data

After you have submitted the contact form, the controller will process personal data entered into that form in order to execute your inquiry based on the consent you have given by submitting the form. You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. If you do not provide personal data, you will simply not submit and we cannot process your request. You may withdraw your consent at any time in writing, without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing operations that are carried out based on your consent until you exercise your right of withdrawal.

Further processing of data compatible with the original purpose of processing will be carried out on the same legal basis for direct marketing in forms for which no consent is necessary, such as sending addressed advertisements by post, until an objection is lodged. In this case, data will be transferred to the mail handling service provider. You may object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing at any time by written notice. If you exercise this right, we will cease the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.

After you have submitted your registration, the controller will process the above data for the performance of the contract based on the contract concluded by registration throughout the duration of the contract. You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. If you do not provide personal data, you simply cannot register for/ conclude a contract on/ use the service. Further processing of data compatible with the original purpose of processing will be carried out on the same legal basis for direct marketing in forms for which no consent is necessary, such as sending addressed advertisements by post, until an objection is lodged. In this case, data will be transferred to the mail handling service provider. You may object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing at any time by written notice. If you exercise this right, we will cease the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.

The controller processes data you have entered and the products you have selected in the webshop in order to submit an offer, to conclude and perform the contract, and to fulfill any post-contractual obligations prior to the conclusion of the contract based on the pre-contractual relationship initiated by you, and after conclusion of the contract based on the contract. Shopping carts of non-registered users will be erased after 14 days. User accounts of registered users are active until the user deletes the account. Contractual data are processed until potential post-contractual obligations have become statute-barred. You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data, although a contract can be concluded only if these data are disclosed. If you do not provide such data, a contract cannot be concluded. Further processing of data compatible with the original purpose of processing will be carried out on the same legal basis for direct marketing in forms for which no consent is necessary, such as sending addressed advertisements by post, until an objection is lodged. In this case, data will be transferred to the mail handling service provider. You may object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing at any time by written notice. If you exercise this right, we will cease the processing of your personal data for direct marketing. PRIZE GAMES After submitting the form for a prize game, the controller processes the entered data to carry out the prize game based on the then concluded contract until the end of the prize game. You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data, although these data must be disclosed if you want to participate in the prize game. If you do not provide such data, you will simply not be able to partake in the prize game. Further processing of data compatible with the original purpose of processing will be carried out on the same legal basis for direct marketing in forms for which no consent is necessary, such as sending addressed advertisements by post, until an objection is lodged. In this case, data will be transferred to the mail handling service provider. You may object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing at any time by written notice. If you exercise this right, we will cease the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.

By ticking the check box, you agree that the controller may process personal data you have entered to provide information on by electronic newsletter, until you exercise your right of withdrawal or objection. You have no legal or contractual obligation to provide personal data. If you do not give your consent, you will simply not receive an electronic newsletter. You may withdraw your consent at any time by written notice or by clicking the unsubscribe link in the electronic newsletter; this will not affect the lawfulness of processing operations carried out until you have exercised your right of withdrawal. You can also object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing in the same way. If you exercise your right to object, we will cease the use of your personal data for direct marketing (electronic newsletters).

This website uses cookies. Cookies are files which enhance the user-friendliness and efficiency of websites.
A cookie is a tiny text file, which stores information. When you visit a website, a cookie can be stored on the computer of the person visiting the website. If the user visits the website again, the website can read the data of the previously stored cookie and determine if the user has already visited the website before and which parts of the website are of particular interest for that user. More information on cookies is available at WIKIPEDIA. Cookie settings You can adjust the settings of your browser to allow or to block cookies. The location of these settings depends on your browser. Detailed information is available via the help function of your browser. If you have disabled cookies, you might not be able to use the full functionality of this website.

on our website Our website uses the following cookies: Absolutely necessary content to guarantee fundamental functionality of the website Cookie Consent: To store the consent to the use of cookies. gaOptout, maOptout, fbOptout: To store the opt-out of Google Analytics, Matomo, Facebook Pixel. Functional cookies to guarantee functionality of the website Performance cookies to improve user experience. Google Analytics (see below) Facebook Pixel (see below) Advertising cookies to control advertising campaigns. ggf. none

This website uses server log files to process the following personal data in order to monitor technical functionality and to improve the security of operation of the webserver based on the overriding legitimate interest of the controller (technical security measure): Accessed content Time of server inquiry Type / version of browser Applied operating system Referrer URL IP address Host name Such data will be stored only temporarily for four weeks on a personalized basis. After this time limit, IP address and host name are anonymized.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytic service provided by Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”) on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website use). For this purpose, we have concluded a data processing agreement with Google. When you visit our website, a software creates a connection to the Google servers and transmits data to the Google servers, some of which are located in the USA. Google Analytics uses cookies to store information on the user of the website and to analyze the website use. This website uses the “IP anonymization” functionality. Google truncates and therefore anonymizes your IP-address within the Member States of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. According to Google, Google uses this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities, and to provide other services relating to website activity and internet use. Google may also transmit that information to third parties, if this is prescribed by law and to the extent that third parties process such data on behalf of Google. Detailed information on how Google Analytics uses user data can be found in the data privacy statement of Google Google bzw. von Google Analytics. Deactivate Google Analytics You can generally block the collection of your user data by adjusting the settings of your browser to “Do Not Track”. Our website then takes into account the “Do Not Track” signal, which your browser then sends to all websites. You can generally block the collection of your user data by Google Analytics by downloading and installing a browser plugin which is available at: You can block the collection of your data by Google Analytics only on this website by clicking the following link. This allows you to set an opt-out cookie which blocks the collection of your data if you visit this website again: Deactivate Google Analytics .

This website uses Matomo, a web analysis tool which analyzes the use of this website by the user on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website use). This tool is installed on our webserver; data will not be transmitted to third parties. This website uses the “IP anonymization” functionality, which truncates and therefore anonymizes your IP address and data. Deactivate Matomo You can generally block the collection of your user data on our website by adjusting the settings of your browser to “Do Not Track”. Our website will then take into account the “Do Not Track” signal which your browser sends to all websites. You can block the collection of your user data by Matomo by clicking the following link. This allows you to set an opt-out cookie which blocks the collection of your data when you visit this site again: Matomo deaktivieren.

This website uses Facebook Pixel, a web analysis service of Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”) on the legal basis of overriding legitimate interest (analysis of website use). For this purpose, we have concluded a data processing agreement with Facebook. Data are partly transmitted to the USA. The transmission of data to the USA is based on the privacy shields. When you visit our website, a software creates a connection to the Facebook servers and transmits data to the Facebook servers, some of which are located in the USA. Facebook Pixel uses cookies to store information of the user of the website and to analyze how the user uses our website. According to Facebook, Facebook will use the collected data to evaluate website use, to compile reports on website activity, and to provide other services related to website use and internet activity. Facebook may also transmit that information to third parties, if this is prescribed by law or if third parties process such data on behalf of Facebook. Detailed information on how Facebook uses user data can be found in the data privacy statement of Facebook. Deactivate Facebook Pixel You can generally block the collection of your user data by adjusting the settings of your browser to “Do Not Track”. Our website will then take into account the “Do Not Track” signal, which your browser then sends to all websites. You can block the collection of your user data by Facebook Pixel only on this website by clicking the following link. This allows you to set an opt-out cookie which blocks the collection of your data when you visit this website again: Facebook Pixel deaktivieren.

Some of our website pages use buttons, which allow you to share content on the social media platforms Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, XING and Youtube. To ensure the protection of personal data of users who visit our website, these buttons are perfectly designed, because the script behind the button (computer programme) does not collect or process any personal data. Accurate informationon the functionality of the buttons is available from Heise Verlag which publishes the c’t IT magazine and has developed the buttons. Users of the website who want to share our website and click the buttons will directly get to the “share” pages of the relevant social media platforms. Only then will the scripts necessary to share the content be loaded. The terms and conditions and data protection provisions agreed between the user and the relevant social media platforms will then apply. Details can be found at the relevant platforms Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter, XING.

You have the right to information, to rectification and erasure of personal data, and to limitation of the processing of personal data. To the extent that your personal data are processed on the legal basis of your consent or in reliance on a contract concluded with you, you have also the right to data portability. You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data. This will not affect the lawfulness of processing of personal data until you have exercised your right of withdrawal. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing. If you exercise that right, we will cease the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.